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August 04, 2007


Carol Colombo

Hi David,I enjoyed reading your recent posting and agree wholeheartedly that Debbie was a very fine cook. I'm also pleased that you are taking an active interest in cooking. I have leafed through your How To Cook Everything book on several occasions and plan to get a copy. Congratulations on starting this blog. Your recipe for the shrimp pasta dish sounds delicious. Thanks. C


I can testify to the quality of the delicious pasta recipe above. My sister and I were served it on our next visit to dad's house. Our oohs and aahs over it were partly due to the flavorful dish and partly due the fact that he cooked it for us with little visible fuss and bother. I think he protested by saying it wasn't that hard - "if you can read, you can cook" were his words, I believe.

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wow..me too, I need cookbook also for me to learn how to cook..

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